Ralf Traugott and the Hijacking of Flight 847

By June of 1985, Ralf Traugott had made several trips back and forth to Greece where he enjoyed spending leisure time with his girlfriend. The Lunenburg, Massachusetts auto dealer couldn’t spend all his time on the Greek seashore and trips back home to attend to business happened somewhat often. On June 14, 1985 that would all change. Over the ensuing three weeks, Traugott would experience the gamut of human emotions. Most of all, his survival instinct would be sorely tested and in a way that most people will never experience. Traugott, a German name, translates to trust God and at the beginning of his ordeal, Ralf Traugott made promises to his Creator hoping against hope to make it home alive. As the crisis unfolded Traugott, an intrepid soul, had to use every bit of cleverness and cunning he could conjure if his life was to be spared. Hostage Terror: Ralf Traugott and the Hijacking of Flight 847 is a compelling account of fear, smarts and human will that gives the reader a window to Middle East culture and extremism.
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